Boost Your Health This Fall!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Here are three easy ways to boost your health this fall!

These everyday things are items that I too used to have in my home that I realized could harm me or my family. Simply cutting these three things can boost your help this fall and beyond!

And don’t worry… anything I suggest you cut, I give replacement solutions!

1. Cut Candles, Especially Scented Ones
We love candles right?! They create great ambiance, they smell good… but…

After doing research, all scented candles have phthalates. Often times the wicks will be put in petroleum so they burn. If you like the ambiance, you can get electric candles and if you HAVE to get them, get non-scented candles.

The best replacement though is to…diffuse! The great thing with diffusing essential oils is that they are healthy and you can change the scent. I can’t reinforce the value of diffusers enough!

2. Skip Scented Plugins
You ready? This one isn’t as painful as cutting candles and I admit it, I used to use these. Scented plugins have to go! I loved the smell, I used to buy them in bulk (eek!)) There’s so many chemicals in these! They also contain phthalates which can mess with your hormones! Where I used to have plugins, I now have a diffuser in the rooms. Any plugin that is a fragrance, goodbye! I have a few of my favorite diffusers listed in my shop.

3. Lose those Laundry Sheets
There’s 6-7 really toxic chemicals in dryer sheets. The more I researched, the more I realized how many chemicals in them…and, long term use can make your towels “slick” which can reduce the efficacy of your towels. And our skin absorbs these chemicals… no thank you!

Great solution to getting rid of those dryer sheets: Use Wool dryer balls. You can drop essential oil on these to get the great smell you love, minus the toxins. I use lavender.

Make your home cleaner, brighter and well!

Happy Fall Y’All!

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